


Bioethics serves a vital role in our complex society, 帮助解决医疗保健服务中的问题, 气候变化, 社会不公与生物技术.

Jointly offered by esball国际平台客户端 and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the 生物伦理学理学硕士 provides you with the skills to navigate complex ethical issues. Knowing how to identify and frame ethical issues will enhance your skills in clinical care, 研究或宣传.


As one of the first bioethics programs delivered in a hybrid format, Clarkson's 生物伦理学理学硕士 allows you to meet your personal and professional obligations while enhancing your career.

You'll take a mixture of online and onsite courses involving case studies, supervised exercises and innovative realistic simulations. Courses are taught by internationally recognized faculty members with expertise in philosophy, 医学, 法律, 卫生政策和管理, 临床研究, 护理, 历史与宗教.

You'll choose one of three specializations: 临床伦理, research ethics or bioethics policy.

You'll be offered individualized mentoring by faculty and alumni throughout the program. Optional internship opportunities in 临床伦理, research ethics and bioethics policy are available for those who want additional hands-on experience and training.


The MS in Bioethics program consists of 36 credit hours of graduate coursework. 该学位可以全日制完成, in which you'll take three or more courses per term, 或者兼职, 每学期包括一门或两门课程.

The curriculum is designed around six key components:

  1. 为期一周的, onsite introductory proseminar that exposes students to a broad range of topics in bioethics.
  2. Online history and theory courses that cover the basics of biomedical ethics, 临床伦理, 研究伦理和医疗保健政策和法律.
  3. 选修课程, 比如生殖伦理, ethical issues at end-of-life and environmental ethics, that allow you to pursue areas of interest beyond the core concepts in bioethics.
  4. Competency-based online and onsite practicum activities, 哪些提供了分析方面的实践经验, 沟通, 中介, 组织, political and moral reasoning skills required of working bioethicists.
  5. 一个个性化的硕士项目, in which you work one-on-one with a faculty supervisor to explore a bioethical topic of interest in greater depth.
  6. A capstone assessment, in which faculty evaluate your mastery of the knowledge and skills learned.

Students pursuing the 生物伦理学理学硕士 degree complete 12 required courses. Of those, nine are taught online by internationally recognized experts in bioethics. Online courses are complemented by an on-site proseminar, practicum and capstone.

该学位可以全日制完成 taking three or more courses per term or part-time taking one or two course(s) per term. 大多数学生在三年内完成学业. Courses are offered online on a quarter-term schedule.


学生选修以下三门必修课程, which reflect the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) core competencies:

  • 医疗保健政策
  • 生物医学伦理学
  • 生命伦理学与法律


本导论密集一周, 现场研讨会 is taught by bioethics scholars from across the United States. 研修班向学生介绍这个领域, 让他们熟悉在线学习平台, and affords them the opportunity to meet their professors and fellow students in person.


学生完成一个重要的项目, 纸, 或者说三个任期内的主动性, investigating a specific area of bioethics policy or recommending or 实现 changes in policy or practice.


在这一周内, 现场研讨会, students enrolled in the capstone course demonstrate their mastery of bioethics and their specialization area.

The bioethics policy specialization focuses on the effective and just design of public and institutional policies. You'll learn a new set of skills related to formulating, 实现, evaluating and modifying policies that affect both healthcare practice and research, 还有公共卫生, 生物技术, environmental science and other areas of the biosciences.

The 临床伦理 specialization equips students with the skills to identify, analyze and resolve the complex ethical issues that arise in clinical settings. This prepares you for a career as a clinical ethicist or enhances your existing clinical practice.

The research ethics specialization emphasizes the challenges faced by those involved in conducting or overseeing research. It focuses on the design and testing of new drugs and medical interventions, as well as the protection of human participants and animal subjects in drug trials and other biomedical research.


Because bioethics is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, our graduates go on to work in a variety of professions and fields, 包括:

  • 学术界
  • 生物医学研究
  • 牧师服务
  • 医疗保健行业
  • 卫生法律
  • 公共和机构政策制定
  • 公共卫生
  • 研究和保健管理
  • 社会工作
  • 兽医

Post-baccalaureate students may want to deepen their understanding of bioethics and improve their prospects for admission to professional degree programs.


You'll find our students employed by these leading organizations:

  • 波士顿儿童医院
  • Broad研究所
  • Banner Gateway医疗中心
  • 克莱姆森大学
  • 哥斯达黎加社会保障基金
  • 佛蒙特大学医学中心
  • 耶鲁跨学科生物伦理学中心
  • 内布拉斯加州医学
  • 智利圣大学Tomás
  • Vynamic
  • 世界卫生组织,乌兹别克斯坦


电子邮件: graduate@85500171.com
电话: 518-631-9831



Our four-course certificates were designed in response to hospital administrators, 伦理委员会, research administrators and others who asked for advanced training in bioethics. We offer certificates in 临床伦理, research ethics and health policy and 法律. All graduate certificate coursework can be applied to the MS in Bioethics for those wishing to continue their studies.
